Winter 2025 Tentative Russian & Slavic Course Offering Descriptions
RUSS 2. Elementary Russian.
Continuation of Russian 1. Comprehensive introduction to Russian. Focus on developing basic communicative skills (speaking, listening comprehension, reading, writing) within the framework of contemporary Russian culture. Students acquire a basic grammatical framework for further language study. Audio, visual, and web-based materials included.
RUSS 5. Intermediate Russian.
Continuation of Russian 4. Focuses on developing fluency, expanding vocabulary, and acquiring basic reading and writing skills. Comprehensive review of basic Russian grammar; introduction to participles and verbal adverbs. Audio, video, and web-based materials are an integral part of the course.
RUSS 101E. Advanced Russian.
Larry McLellan
Continued development of oral and written fluency. Special attention to development of reading skills through a variety of texts related to Russian culture. Systematic review of advanced grammar. Compositions, translations, and oral presentations required. Periodic screenings of Russian films.
SLAV 130A. Avantgarde in Russia
Katya Lopatko
The Russian Avantgarde in its European context. The avantgarde and the revolution of 1917. Analysis of key figures and movements within the Russian Avantgarde. Taught in English.
SLAV 130B/ FAMST 130B. Russian Cinema
Sasha Razor
Introduction to the development of Soviet cinema from the early days to thepresent. A focal point will be the interaction between politics/ideology and film in Russia. Major directors such as Eisenshtein and Tarkovski will be treated extensively. Readings and lectures in English.
SLAV 187/ GER 187/ C LIT 187. The Devil in Literature
Marcel Strobel
Explores the rich literature around making deals with the devil while focusing on the enduring influence of older literature on modern conceptions of the diabolic. Readings and lectures in English.