I'm Nima Bahrami! I hold a BA in Architecture, one in English Literature from the University of Tehran, and an MA in Literary Studies from the University of Amsterdam. My research includes theories of space and place, the medium of comics, language philosophy, and, in linguistics, the syntax-semantics interface.
In the department, I am currently a TA for C LIT 43A/GER 43A - Dreaming Revolution: Marx, Nietzsche, Freud.
Hello, I am Katya Lopatko, a PhD student in Comparative Literature. I research film festivals and their role in constructing global cinematic networks during the Cold War. My other research and teaching areas include Eastern European and Russian cinema, literature and culture of the 20th century, as well as Modernism in literature, culture and cinema. I also have an interest in spatial studies, critical theory, and feminist theory. At UCSB I have taught French language and writing courses, in addition to having positions as a teaching assistant in literature and cultural history courses.
I am currently teaching The Russian Avant-Garde, SLAV 130A, as the instructor of record.
Hello, I am Marcel Strobel, a Ph.D. Candidate in Comparative Literature at UCSB. My research centers on modern and contemporary German literature and culture, with a specialization in gender and queer studies, particularly focusing on queer and trans experiences during the Weimar Republic and the Holocaust. Until recently, I was the Duane Rath Endowment Fellow at the Mandel Center of Advanced Holocaust Studies at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C.I am currently teaching a class on the devil in literature (C LIT/GER/SLAV 187), in which students explore global myths, tales, and legends about the devil.