Ukrainian Club

The goal of our Український клуб (Ukrainian Club) is to keep the Ukrainian language and culture alive on our campus and to create a space for Ukrainians and all their friends to come together and learn more about our culture. We would be delighted to hear from you. In order to connect with us you can message us through our Instagram account @ucsbukrainianclub, or email any of the officers whose emails you can find on the Shoreline app.

We organize a regular language hour for Ukrainian speakers, and we also offer activities throughout the year for people who are new to our language and culture. 

Russian Speakers' Club

Our Russian Speakers Club aims to provide insight into the culture, history and traditions of Russian-speaking culture, and to build a strong and supportive community among Russian-speaking students, whether they are heritage speakers or learners of Russian. We hope to raise awareness and appreciation of the diverse cultures of Russian-speaking countries and expand our community through a host of activities and events throughout the academic year, including a regular coffee hour and an annual Maslennitsa event. For more information about this club, please contact Kirill Vorobeyev: